My 2016 Word Of The Year is…

2015 kicked our butts…hardcore…and yet, in so many ways it was a pretty great year.  It’s been a very painful one for my heart though; I’ve had my dreams crushed, felt the loss of loved ones deeper than I could ever have imagined and struggled through some pretty thick mommy guilty and depression. I can’t believe that Al and I seem to be stronger than ever. What an annoying god send that man is!  On the flip side, an enormous financial burden has been lifted from our shoulders, I am finally starting to build a tribe of incredible friends that are in the same city and the kids made it through the “terrible two’s” with very few blow ups.  I know, I know, treacherous three’s are just around the corner!

I think we can all say that we have grown a lot this year.  Some taller, some wider, and a few have probably even grown shorter (I’m talking to you, Mom!) I feel like I am in a season of my life where I am no longer “growing” but rather “accepting”.  I know who I am, what makes me happy, what I want out of my life etc.  All those dumb questions they ask on college entrance exams, I finally have answers for. I don’t want to strive to be better because I have finally accepted that I am pretty great at being me. I need to stop trying to reach further or waiting for something more. We’ve worked hard for this family and it is time to savor it.

My 2016 Word of the Year is Savor.

I’m going to put down my phone and savor the time with my kids. My heart wants to be back at work in a job that keeps me busy and feeling like I’m an equal partner in my marriage, but being a mom is my job. Motherhood is my workplace. My children are my minions. It is time to delight in their magical world of dragons and fairies while cultivating their little souls and helping them find their independence…safely.  The older my kids get, the more I like them. But I know, in just a few short years, they won’t like me anymore so I need to treasure these moments while I can.

I L-O-V-E to eat and I plan on savoring every tiny morsel of food that hits my mouth this year.  We have not taken care of ourselves these last five or six years and with that, came perfecting the art of shoveling food into our bodies just to make sure we got a meal in.  The kids are older now and can wait for us to finish our dinner before needing attention.  I will not rush my food and I will not cook cardboard crap just because it is easy.  Why do we eat food that tastes like nothing just for the hell of it? I want to be mindful of what we are eating and make sure that it tastes wonderful. Granted, I can be a terrible cook at times, but if and when I make something great, we will certainly take the time to savor it. And you can bet your ass that I will be adding sound effects to my Sirloin Oscar every time we go to the Keg 🙂




2016 is going to be a great year! Family and food, how can you go wrong?

This has been a Finish the Sentence Friday post, where writers gather together to share their versions of a completed sentence. This week’s prompt was “My 2016 Word of the Year is…”   and is hosted by Kristi Rieger Campbell from Finding Ninee, Mardra Sikora from, and Allie Smith from The Latchkey Mom

Check out the links to see what others are sharing!



5 thoughts on “My 2016 Word Of The Year is…

  1. I could have written exactly the words in your first sentence – amazing how a year can be so rough and so great all at the same time. I love your word – first I’ve seen that one. Too many things in life pass by without us truly enjoying them. I love that mindset!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Savor is a great word! Slowing down to enjoy the roses is an old expression — but a good one. You’ve worked so hard to create such a wonderful family, and it will be fulfilling to enjoy this stage of your family. I remember when my own boys were two, and it was a magical time. I still miss it, in some ways. You’re so wise to choose this word!

    Liked by 1 person

  3. YES! Beautiful and thoughtful choice. Savor. It works for moments and also lessons. Plus, it reminds one to slow down. “What should I be doing right now? Ah yes, savor.” Excellent choice. I look forward to hearing more about how this is implemented throughout the year. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Savor is such a great word for 2016. Truly. I like that you’re going to savor food more – we need to do that here as well. I don’t cook very often these days but think I’m going to get back to it because you’re right – shoveling food for the heck of it – why? Thanks for joining Finish the Sentence!


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